violence and the slippery slope
Three seemingly unrelated events occurred this past week:
1. While preparing my students for the written final exam for history of theatrical space/design, a student complained that courses (like mine) that require a fair amount of writing a) bring down his grade point average, and b) are a waste of time since they will not make him a better electrical engineer. After pointing out that a reason for "a" could be the assumption of "b," I explained the not-too-revolutionary concept that a functioning democracy requires good critical thinking skills on the part of its citizens.
2. 26 women and children were killed by a deeply troubled individual with a semi-automatic assault weapon.
3. The first public figure "brave" enough to defend the current federal laws on gun ownership after the massacre--Louie Gohmert, Republican, congressman from Texas--argued (via fallacy) that restrictions on assault rifles are wrong because "Once you start drawing the line, where do you stop?"
If more U.S. citizens demanded sound reasoning from their leaders, perhaps life in the U.S. would be less absurdly violent.
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